Women - Real Architects Of Society

March 07th, 2018   By Manoj Naudiyal

An image depicting role of women as real architects of societyIn words of Christian Dior, founder of the renowned Dior atelier, " After women, flowers are the most divine creations."

Women throughout the world are embodiment of unconditional love, providing, sacrifice, support, beauty and divinity. However, it′s not every day that we remember to celebrate our mothers, wives, sisters and friends for the all the small and huge ways they contribute to our lives. International Women′s Day is celebrated on March 8 each year to celebrate women’s solidarity as declared by UN. On behalf of the entire Arohar family, I would take this opportunity to thank all beautiful women who have contributed to success of Arohar and us as individuals.

We would like to thank the feminine force by providing a tool to empower them. Arohar′s TaxSo, a brand new way to handle all the old and new tax problems for all the women entrepreneurs who are out there in a man′s world trying to make a difference. TaxSo promises to take away all your problems related to inventory maintenance, tax handling and so much more in a creative yet simple way.

Women, unfetter, empower and pamper yourselves with our software that delivers much more than it promises, much like women themselves.Kudos, to all the strong and beautiful ladies that make this world a better place. More power and blessings to you all.

Last but not the least, I would like thank my beautiful mother Mrs. Bimleshwari Naudiyal, my sister Mrs. Meenakshi Juyal and my wonderful partner Mrs. Sweta Naudiyal for their invaluable love and support.

Happy Women′s Day !

Family photo

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