The story of TaxSo

August 29th, 2017   By Manoj Naudiyal

A person working late night on a laptopIt was a rainy evening of August last year (2016) and I was watching the news on TV. Our finance minister Mr. Arun Jaitley was talking about the progress that the government had made on Goods and Service Tax (GST) law and how they expected the law to be successfully implemented in one year′s time. This made me think that if the whole indirect taxation system was going to be replaced by a new taxation system, people were going to have real challenges in going about their day to day business. After all, GST would impact everyone, right from small shopkeepers to large enterprises like Tata and Reliance.

After dinner that night, I sat down with my laptop and started researching about GST and its possible impacts. The deeper I went into my research, the stronger my instinct became to say ′YES′ to the call that I wanted to take on this development. Without wasting any more time, I sent an invite for an early morning meeting to my whole team to discuss the ′Idea′ that was running through my head.

A workstation table with open laptops placed on itIn the meeting the next morning, as I had anticipated, the whole team resonated with the Idea and got fully geared up for the mission ahead with high energy and optimism. Each one of us wanted to contribute every bit of their body, mind and soul to the success of the project. Yes, we wanted to come up with a software product that not only provided a GST compliant solution but also provided an extremely user friendly experience to the customers. The traditional software packages available in the market were way too complex to use and business owners were forced to hire accounting experts to manage their accounting data, hence creating an additional financial burden on their business (especially small scale businesses). We wanted to turn this major drawback of existing business accounting software and turn it into our software’s core strength. That is, to provide a simple, efficient and easy to use application that small to medium business owners can use without requiring any external staff specifically for managing their day to day accounting needs.
Team Arohar spent the next few months on coding, testing, deploying and improving the accounting software. Many sleepless nights and restless days passed by as the team went through some highs and lows. But we took it in our stride and soldiered onwards. Each one of us was fully committed to the cause and took turns to keep the team morale high during testing times.

On July 1st 2017, after vigorous efforts of nearly a year, TaxSo was finally ready with its first cut. While the whole country was mostly clueless about GST and people were busy forwarding jokes on social media about ′Government not being ready′, ′Government′s portal not being ready′, here we were, launching TaxSo on 1st July 2017 in front of 150 business people from Poanta Vyapar Mandal.

We at Arohar Technologies are committed to make TaxSo a world class product and we continue to strive every day to ensure that it happens. We are sure that sooner rather than later, we will emerge as a true leader in the industry. As Steve Jobs said in his famous Stanford speech – ″You can′t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.″

That quote precisely summarizes the story of Team Arohar. We are thrilled to be part of a changing India and are proud to contribute in bringing the technological enhancement to Indian business sector.

Next Article: TaxSo Goes To Market

See you soon with the next blog. Signing Off for now.

Collage of photographs taken at Taxso launch event held at Paonta Saheb Himachal PradeshCollage of photographs of Arohar Technologies team members at Taxso launch event

TaxSo launch event at Paonta Saheb, Himachal Pradesh